Yesterday I was asked to fix a notebook. The power connector was malfunctioning. The normal fiddeling with the connector didn't work and there was power coming from the power supply. So the problem was somewere in the notebook itself. But after unscrewing all the screws on the bottom I still could not remove eigher top or bottom of the notebook. There were a couple of screws located near the hinge of the display. Only way to remove these was to disassemble the display. Being very carefull it took me almost half a hour to figure out how the display was held together. The six screws were easy, but then the display was somehow being held together by the design of the top and the bottem sides. But this was only the start. I realy had to literaly remove every single screw in the notebook to finally have the mainboard accessible. The connector was broken between the connector and the mainboard. No way I could fix this. But an old 14k4 modem came to the resque. This old modem had almost excactly the same kind of connector. It even had its pins on the same location as the notebook had. So I used this connector to fix the notebook. Exchanged the plug on the powersupply from this notebook to match its new connector and put it back together. This took quite some time. Had to get all these screws back in on the right spots. When everything was back together the notebook worked again. Only problem is that I still have two screws left. But after 3.5 hours fiddeling with this notebook I didn't have the energy to start all over again to see where these two screws should have been placed.