Found this on the net. Still a lot of places to go to...
create your own visited countries map
I wanted to add some entries about the new server. My replacement for Pooky. But didn't find time to do it. Found time to do other things like driving friends of us to Copenhagen in Danmark. Managed to crash my company car on the way over there. I realy loved this car. It was a Renault Laguna Grandtour Privilege. Now I'm adding this entry from the Logos Hope in Copenhagen. I will have to return to the Netherlands in a rental car. Really hope to find a proper car to replace my beloved Renault.
Last Saturday our friends moved to their new home. So I finally got around to do some hacking on my home network again. The new server got some packages installed/removed/updated (man I love Debian) and I have been playing with the SQL server (mysql). The Content of this Drupal-site is already served from the DB on the new server. One thing less to move when I'm ready to switch servers. But this will have to wait (again) for a few days for as I will be joining a group of people from our church to Stokershorst.
I've been fairly busy lately. But not on my home network. Pooky still needs to be replaced but I haven't found any time to get the new machine into shape. Spend much more time on TAA 7.06 and my spare time is filled getting our friends house into shape. They've bought a house and there is a lot to be done. But at least the electricity for his Study is done...
Created an autoreply for the Computer Emergency Response Team email address. Nice things are that easy. Have fun with it Matthieu...
I wanted to build me a replacement server for Pooky. Pooky is my main server and is serving these pages. But he's also busy as mailserver and fileserver. The old Pentium 133 is just to slow to do all these things. But when I startet to assemble some old parts and install Debian on the replacement for Pooky I found out that our attic is way to hot to do some decent work. Probably continue after my vacation. Want to try out a lot of things before Pooky gets replaced.
It does not happen oft, but sometimes Heythuysen is mentioned in the news. Like a true hacker i remeber that it rained, but certainly didn't thought of it to be news worthy.
Just added AWStats to my webserver to collect statistics about visitors. Gives me a better idea about how many hits I get.
Since the last update of Drupal on my server the site-logo disappeared. The Debian-Package now uses better paths to store the templates and my logo could not be found anymore. Today I finally fixed it.
So I made it to the Sin_QL_air meeting in Eindhoven. Some things were caught by the "Evil Eye" of Tony Firshman. I was one off them.